The United States is a rebel nation, and what works in Asia or Europe often gets turned on its head as soon as it hits US soil. That's why when New York City announced plans to introduce European-style automotive congestion charges to Manhattan's busiest thoroughfares south of 60th Street, the response was what you'd expect from New Yorkers. I.e., swift, angry, and with bitter, unrelenting fury.

With this in mind, the latest Federal class action lawsuit from the five boroughs should come as a shock to no one. Under the terms of the lawsuit, representatives of the plaintiffs operating under the name New Yorkers Against Congestion Pricing Tax have declared that newly passed congestion pricing laws are an undue financial burden on the city's commuters. Furthermore, the group proclaims a comprehensive environmental impact study detailing the impact of congestion charging on every aspect of the effects to be conducted before any such laws are put into practice.

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WATCH: New York City Drivers Sue Over Congestion Charge Money Grab

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