The older I get, the more love I’ve learned to have for Ohio, Indiana, and wherever else gets commonly lumped in as a “flyover state.” Let the Bushwickers—or maybe Orange County denizens—get all the hype in the media. I like it out here. Still, I’d be lying if there wasn’t a unique air of disenfranchisement when Midwesterners read the news. Coastal opinions of how the world works don’t always square with our reality. It’s not like Ohioans are behind, or ignorant.

No, that’s not true or fair; I think Midwesterners are by and large curious individuals, they just have their reservations and are generally pragmatic individuals. They know what they know: Hyundai can’t make quality cars, soup isn’t a real meal, and if anyone’s going to make a quality electric vehicle, it’ll probably be Toyota.

I understand why Midwesterners might have those opinions. The Tesla buying process is so weird compared to the dealerships we’re used to, and the whole driving experience of an electric car is opaque compared to a gas-powered vehicle. But all that Midwestern pragmatism isn’t exactly open-minded to the possibility of a high-quality, all-electric Hyundai.

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Why Does Hyundai Clearly Make Better EVs Than Toyota?

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