New York City drivers have avoided more than $100 million speeding tickets by using illegally obscured license plates and ghost plates. The city says that its speed camera rejected more than 1 million potential tickets due to plate issues.

Theses findings came as part of an audit from the office of NYC Comptroller Brad Lander that found that speed cameras have been effective in reducing incidents of speeding in the city. However, photos in which the license could not be read continue to be an issue for the cameras.

“Speed cameras reduce speeding, prevent crashes, and save lives,” said Lander. “Unfortunately, a small but rapidly growing number of drivers are illegally obscuring their license plates in order to speed without getting caught. These scofflaws are putting their neighbors’ lives and safety at risk – and cheating the city out of $100 million a year.”

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NYC Drivers Cheating City Out Of $100 Million In Speeding Tickets

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