The past 12 months or so haven't been great for self-driving car companies in San Francisco. If you've spent time in the city recently, you'd know that it's the autonomous vehicle capital of the country, with self-driving taxis roaming the streets and, occasionally, getting themselves into trouble. Well, the city is now suing California state regulators for allowing Google's AV company Waymo to expand its self-driving fleet, citing public safety concerns.

In August of last year, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) granted Waymo permission to increase its robotaxi operations in San Francisco, allowing them to run 24/7. However, according to The Washington Post, San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu is working to have the CPUC at least put a hold on that decision until the state can more closely review the safety regulations of self-driving vehicles.

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San Francisco Sues State For Expanding Robo Taxi Services After City Kicked Out Cruise For Safety Issues

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