The latest figures issued by the Home Office reveal that the number of fixed penalties issued to speeding drivers has reached record levels, with more than 2.5 million drivers receiving a fine in the post or from a magistrate, or being sent on speed awareness courses.

However, the annual rise in speed-related offences is small compared to the increase in fixed penalty fines for using mobile phones at the wheel. Tougher laws were introduced in March 2021, and the number of penalties issued increased by a whopping 93 percent to more than 37,000. There were also large increases in numbers of drivers being penalised for neglect of traffic signs and of pedestrian rights, which were up by a third to 105,000.

Much of the increase in fixed penalty activity is associated with offences being committed on camera, whether that be roadside speed cameras or ‘citizen police’ uploading footage of alleged offences to websites such as Operation Snap.

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