Transport for London (TFL) and the Greater London Authority (GLA) made misleading claims about the Ultra Low Emissions Zone expansion, the UK’s advertising watchdog has ruled.

The Advertising Standards Authority criticised one GLA radio advert promoting the ULEZ expansion, which claimed “according to research, one of the most polluted places in London is inside your car. That’s why ULEZ is expanding across all London Boroughs”.

While the GLA provided a slew of reports and studies in an effort to substantiate its claim that a car’s interior is one of the most polluted places in London, the ASA ruled that the data provided failed to provide justification, and it was therefore misleading. The ASA did not dispute that car drivers would be exposed to pollution, but said the TFL evidence didn’t directly relate to how typical consumers might use their cars in London, and therefore could not be used to substantiate its claims.

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UK Watchdog Says London's Claims About Pollution Are Misleading

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