When it comes to the 2024 Honda Accord, it's hard to find a car that's less in tune with today's design trends. The Accord, a long-standing staple of the Honda lineup, has always been known for its reliability, practicality, and, well, its rather uninspiring appearance. And the 2024 Accord is no exception.

The new Accord sports a design that could best be described as "meh." It's not ugly, but it's not exactly turning heads either. The exterior is a mishmash of bland curves and uninspired angles that fail to capture the imagination. The front grille is as generic as they come, and the headlights seem to be borrowed from a 2010 model. It's as if Honda's design team took a page from the "How to Make a Car Blend In" handbook.

The interior is equally yawn-inducing. The dashboard is a sea of black plastic and cheap-looking materials that scream "rental car." The infotainment system is an afterthought, and the seats are about as comfortable as sitting on a park bench. It's like Honda took a time machine back to the early 2000s and said, "Let's make a car that's as boring as possible."

But hey, at least it's reliable, right?

NAME a car or cars that are less in tune with today's exterior design trends than the 2024 Honda Accord.

NAME AND SHAME! Can You Identify A Car That's LESS In Step With Today's Exterior Design Trends Than The 2024 Honda Accord

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