Despite the no-resale clause Tesla introduced in the Cybertruck sales contract, people are flipping the electric pickup like there's no tomorrow. The unit that became famous last week for being sold at a Manheim auction is now back on the market, making $45K for the new owner. So far, Tesla hasn't tried to enforce the no-resale clause, and some say it might never do.
Wisdom taught us that locks are for honest people because thieves know how to open them anyway. The same appears true for the no-resale clause Tesla introduced in the Cybertruck sales contract. Based on that, owners of the Foundation Series Cybertruck are prohibited from selling the truck within the first year of delivery without prior approval from Tesla. Failing to observe this rule can lead to a $50,000 fine or the entire profit from the sale, if it's more than that.

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Tesla Isn't Enforcing Resale Clause Allowing People To Become Wealthy Flipping Cybertrucks

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