Talk about a fourth manufacturer joining NASCAR is nothing new. Dodge has typically been the fan favorite to join Chevrolet, Ford, and Toyota, though we've been burned by those rumors enough over the last few years. Likewise, there have long been discussions about Honda potentially entering the top-flight Cup Series, but I've always considered that as likely as a snowstorm in Daytona on the Fourth of July. Maybe I shouldn't be so dismissive, though, because multiple recent reports point to Honda seriously weighing its decision to go stock car racing.
These rumblings were given more credence when veteran motorsport reporter Marshall Pruett mentioned Honda and NASCAR on his podcast earlier this week. Pruett mainly focuses on IMSA and IndyCar, not NASCAR, though Honda and its sub-brand Acura are hugely prominent in both series. He has arguably the closest relationships with these manufacturers of any journalist in the paddock, so when he talks about this stuff, it's worth paying attention to.

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Honda Entry Into NASCAR Is Turning From Rumor To Reality

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