Apple's anticompetitive behavior, the DoJ says, comes down to several products, including not only the iPhone but also other products like CarPlay.
The US officials have filed an 88-page complaint against the Cupertino-based tech giant, dedicating at least a chapter to how Apple harms consumers and competitors with its CarPlay strategy.
The DoJ claims CarPlay uses the same so-called "playbook of restrictions," which allows the technology giant to "prevent the development of other disintermediating technologies that interoperate with the phone but reside off the device." The document goes on to explain that the upcoming CarPlay overhaul, which will debut later this year, uses almost all technology in the car, including screens, sensors, and gauges.
Apple wanted to "force users to experience driving as an iPhone-centric experience if they want to use any of the features provided by CarPlay."
The US DoJ seems confused about how CarPlay works.

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Lawsuit Confirms The DOJ Doesn't Know How CarPlay Works - Assumes The Phone Magically Takes Over The Car

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