When the Soviet Union became the first nation to put a manmade satellite into orbit in 1957, the initial response from the United States government was tepid at best. But the general public had a different reaction—one of fear, shock and urgency that our primary geopolitical rival could be technologically so far ahead of us. This led to more funding for what we'd now call STEM education, more R&D for aerospace tech and more public policies meant to drive innovation. It also gave us the term "Sputnik Moment," for when a country has to be jolted into action to catch up with an adversary with such a huge lead.
When it comes to how advanced China's automakers are at making electric vehicles, we've reached our Sputnik Moment here in the U.S. But so far, the answer seems to be... more tariffs, all while automakers get nervous about EV development after a few uneven quarters. How long is that going to work?

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Sorry Joe Biden, Tariffs Aren't Going To Fix US Automaker's Inability To Compete In The EV Market You Demand

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