The administration allocated a whopping $7.5 billion for this project, but as of now, only 7 or 8 charging stations have been built. That's like spending $1 billion on each charging station!

This situation has led to some interesting reactions, most notably from CBS's Margaret Brennan, who couldn't help but laugh in Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's face when he couldn't explain the discrepancy. It's not every day you see a high-ranking government official being chuckled at on national television.

The internet, of course, had a field day with this. Tweets and memes flooded the digital landscape, with many pointing out the absurdity of spending so much money for so little return. One user even quipped, "Guarantee it doesn't cost Tesla $1B each."

Buttigieg, in his defense, tried to explain the complexities of building charging stations, stating, "Now, in order to do a charger, it's more than just plugging a small device into the ground." However, this explanation didn't seem to satisfy Brennan or the public, as the question still lingers: where did all that money go?

100%, the reason for the EV sales slowdown is the miserable, inconsistent remote charging experiences across the country. And the Biden admin could have fixed it these last four years. they didn't.


WATCH! CBS Anchor LAUGHS in Pete Buttigieg’s Face! Listen To His INCREDIBLY LAME Reason Why With EIGHT BILLION DOLLARS Only 7-8 Charging Stations Have Been Built.

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