A rather interesting survey of drivers in the UK has revealed an equally interesting result. As it turns out, Tesla drivers in the UK are the cleanest car owners in the country. 
The survey, which involved 1,000 motorists in the UK, was conducted in March 2024 by UK-based end-of-life scrap vehicle comparison service Scrap Car Comparison. The firm noted that it conducted a survey asking motorists over the age of 18 how frequently they clean the exterior and interior of their cars. The study also asked motorists if they have ever felt embarrassed to give someone a ride due to the state of their vehicle. 
As per the survey’s results, Tesla owners were found to have the cleanest cars, with owners washing the exterior of their vehicles 130 times a year on average. That translates to over two car washes every week. It should be noted that this is the average among Tesla owners. Among the Tesla owners who took part in the survey, a surprising 27% claimed that they wash their cars every day. 

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Study Reveals 27% Of Tesla Owners In The UK Wash Their Vehicle Every Day

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