New York City motorists have something to celebrate this week. State governor Kathy Hochul confirmed that the controversial Manhattan congestion charge would be scrapped days before it was due to be implemented, reports Bloomberg. After years of arduous planning, the initiative was scrapped ahead of the previously confirmed June 30 start date.
In a statement, Hochul said the decision had everything to do with lessening the financial burden placed on working-class New Yorkers. The city is already one of the most expensive metropoles in the world to live in, so an extra $15 per day would be asking a lot. It's not a huge amount to ask of the average Bentley Flying Spur owner, but it's overwhelming for the average Joe in their Toyota Corolla. "The decision is about doing what's right for the people who make our city thrive," said the governor. "My focus must be on putting more money back into people's pockets."

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