GM has filed a patent for a new system capable of controlling a clutch in an electric vehicle (EV) transmission using modular actuation. The patent application was assigned patent number US 2024/0159280 A1 with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and was published on May 16th, 2024. The patent was originally filed on November 10th, 2022, and lists several U.S.-based engineers as the inventors, including Dongxu Li, Michael Ding, Bryan John Williams, Chunhao J. Lee, and Zhen J. Zhang.
The patent describes a system aimed at improving the efficiency and performance of EVs by providing precise control over the clutch operation. The system description includes components like an electric motor, a clutch, an actuator device, and a processor. The clutch engages and disengages to help control the vehicle’s power flow and transmission.

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GM Files For Patent On Clutch For Electric Vehicles

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