A bizarre photo of a Subaru Forrester in Yellowstone National Park has left Americans bewildered and outraged. The image, posted in a popular Facebook group dedicated to documenting instances of tourists behaving badly, shows the light blue Subaru at a traffic light with a canoe inexplicably positioned on top of it.

National park enthusiasts expressed concern that the improperly secured canoe could pose a danger to other motorists on the road. Some commenters also noted that it was not the first time they had witnessed a tourist towing a canoe in an unsafe manner.

"They were driving down Hwy 212. I was too shocked to even get a picture," one commenter said.

Others used the term "touron" to describe the driver, a combination of "tourist" and "moron."

"That is the most creative way that I've seen anybody put a canoe on their vehicle," another commenter said. "They're going to spend a lot more on gas transporting their canoe that way."

"I've never actually seen that before, it's a first for me, but one's born every minute during tourist season," a third commenter added.

The incident has sparked a debate about the importance of following park rules and regulations to ensure the safety of visitors and the preservation of the natural environment.

It’s TOURON SEASON! Bizarre Photo Of Subaru Forrester TRIGGERS The Socials!

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