Before you go into shock after reading my headline—hear me out. Mazda has quietly been creeping upmarket since 2022. It started with the CX-50 and carried on in earnest with the three-row CX-90. The company hopes it can become a genuine BMW competitor in the next few years, and while some of its products are still a ways off, the CX-70 is proof that Mazda is heading in the right direction.
Yes, I know, the CX-70 is literally a CX-90 with one fewer row. That means you get the same design, the same powertrain options, and the same interior. And for some reason, it costs more; The CX-70 starts at $41,900 while the CX-90 costs $39,300. But if you ignore the utterly confusing packaging issues, when taken at face value, the CX-70 is sublime. And in many respects, may be a better buy than a comparable BMW X5.

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DRIVEN: Mazda's CX-70 Could Begin Replacing The BMW X5 In Garages

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