There are fresh calls for the drink drive limit to be reduced after it was revealed that 2022 saw the highest number of drink-drive deaths in 13 years, accounting for almost one-in-five of all road fatalities.
A report from the Department for Transport shows that over 1,900 people were killed or seriously injured in drink drive collisions in 2022, with as many as 300 people losing their lives – a figure that’s up 15 per cent from the previous year.
However, it’s worth noting that while the number of individuals that were killed or seriously injured went up, the total number of collisions was actually down by one per cent since 2021. An overwhelming majority (79 per cent) of drink-drive collisions involve a male driver or passenger over the limit, with these instances also accounting for 68 per cent of the casualties.

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Drunk Driving Accidents Soar To A 13 Year High In The UK

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