One of the main criticisms battery electric vehicle (BEV) advocates make about plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) is that their buyers do not use these cars in electric mode as often as they should. A recent article urged automakers to disclose how frequently these vehicles are charged so that everybody else can know how many electric miles they are running. There are several issues with this concern, but we could tackle all of them with a simple element: logic.
The first problem is the "should" that you can see in the first paragraph. Why "should" anyone use whatever they buy in any given way? As long as that did not hurt anyone else, I could purchase something just to set it on fire, and that would not matter to anyone but to me. That's the logic of private property: you get to use it the way you want, and nobody has anything to do with that. That is just unacceptable to people who think you "should" use anything in a certain fashion – as if these things had a specific mission.

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Would, Should, Or Could - Automakers Called On To Tattle On PHEV Owners If The Don't Plug In Their Vehicles

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