Oh, Kamala, the queen of political chameleonism, claiming to be a lifelong supporter of union labor in front of Detroit auto workers. It's like watching a master magician perform the "prestige" of political pandering.

Let's not forget, this is the same Kamala Harris who, during her tenure as California Attorney General, was criticized for her lack of support for labor unions. She even received a "D" rating from the California Labor Federation in 2012 for her stance on labor issues. But hey, who needs consistency when you can just change your tune to fit the current political climate?

Now, let's talk about the UAW endorsement. Sure, it's a big deal, but let's not forget that unions often endorse candidates based on their potential to win, rather than their unwavering support for labor. It's like choosing the least rotten apple in the orchard, rather than the freshest one.

And let's not overlook the fact that the UAW has been at odds with the Biden administration over their push for electric vehicles, which they fear will lead to job losses. So, is the UAW endorsement really a sign of Kamala's lifelong support for union labor, or just a strategic move to secure votes in a crucial swing state?

In the end, it's up to the Detroit auto workers to decide if they believe Kamala's claim of being a lifelong supporter of union labor. But let's be real, if they fall for this political performance, they might as well be watching a magic show instead of listening to a politician.

KAMALA Claims She's A LIFE LONG Supporter Of Union Labor In Front Of Detroit Auto Workers. IS She BELIEVEABLE?

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