In a surprising twist of fate, the once-mighty Ford Bronco has found itself in a precarious position in the market. The iconic off-road vehicle, which made a triumphant return in 2021, is now facing a significant downturn in sales, leaving many to wonder what went wrong.
The latest iteration of the Bronco, the 2023 Raptor in Cactus Gray, boasts an eye-watering price tag of $81,000 plus additional fees and taxes. To put this into perspective, the original MSRP was over $96,000! Ford, in an attempt to salvage the situation, has re-invoiced these vehicles, but the damage may already be done.
What's even more astonishing is the availability of a $4,000 rebate, which is included in the price. For those who own a Jeep, there's an additional $2,000 rebate up for grabs. It seems Ford is pulling out all the stops to entice buyers, but the question remains: is it enough to turn the tide?
As the market continues to evolve, it's clear that the Ford Bronco is facing stiff competition from other off-road vehicles. The once-unstoppable force of the Bronco has been reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. Can Ford reclaim its position as the king of the off-road, or is this the beginning of the end for the beloved Bronco? Only time will tell.