The 2024 Hyundai Santa Fe's redesign has certainly stirred the pot, but not in a way that's universally appreciated.

When I first saw it I liked it, but the more I see it on the road, I dislike it more and more from many angles.

Here's why the new exterior design might be turning heads for all the wrong reasons:

* Aesthetic Overreach: The Santa Fe's new look is bold, to say the least. It's as if Hyundai looked at the current SUV design trends and decided to go in the opposite direction. The boxy, almost retro design might be an attempt to capture the nostalgia of older SUV designs or perhaps to stand out in a crowded market. However, this radical departure feels like a misstep. It's not just different; it's jarring. The design seems to have lost the sleek, modern appeal that many associate with contemporary SUVs, opting instead for what might be described as a "blocky monstrosity."

* Practicality Over Style: While Hyundai might argue that the new design offers more interior space, this comes at the cost of aesthetic appeal. The longer wheelbase might indeed provide more room, but it also makes the Santa Fe look like it's trying too hard to be something it's not. The design feels like a compromise where practicality has overshadowed any sense of style or elegance, which is a significant drawback for a vehicle in this class where appearance often matters as much as functionality.

* Market Miscalculation: Hyundai's move towards this rugged, boxy design could be seen as a misread of consumer preferences. SUVs have evolved towards more aerodynamic, stylish designs for a reason - they appeal to a broader audience, not just those looking for a vehicle that might evoke memories of the '90s or early 2000s. This design might alienate the very demographic that has been buying SUVs for their modern, versatile, and often luxurious appeal.

* Visual Clutter: The Santa Fe's exterior is filled with what might be described as "design elements" - from the H-shaped lights to the creased fender flares. While these might be intended to give the vehicle character, they contribute to an overall cluttered look. Each element seems to shout for attention, resulting in a cacophony of design rather than a harmonious whole.

* The 'Love It or Hate It' Factor: There's a fine line between creating a design that's distinctive and one that's divisive. The 2024 Santa Fe seems to have crossed that line. While some might find its design bold or adventurous, many are likely to see it as an overdone attempt to be different, which in this case, might not be better.

So, what's your take on this? Does the 2024 Hyundai Santa Fe's design grow on you, or do you find it an unfortunate step away from what an SUV should aspire to be in terms of design?

Let's hear your thoughts...

At FIRST GLANCE, We LIKED The 2024 Hyundai Santa Fe BOXYPALOOZA. But The More We See It ON-ROAD, The Like Is FADING FAST! What About YOU?

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