All Tesla vehicles have cameras that record everything around them when they detect movement. This has proven to be a valuable tool to catch thieves and vandals. That's why the police are now actively looking for Tesla EVs in the area where a crime has been committed. Sometimes, this means that your car might get towed to get the precious evidence.
We've seen countless cases where people act weirdly around a Tesla EV. The reason for this is Tesla Sentry Mode, a unique feature that allows using the car's cameras as surveillance devices. While other EVs, especially Rivian, have similar capabilities, Teslas are far more ubiquitous. Tesla Sentry Mode activates the cameras (and sometimes the lights and the horn) when it detects activity around the car. In many cases, it has helped owners find the person who keyed their vehicle or tried to break in.
In one of the latest incidents gone viral, Sentry Mode recorded a vandal who hit a Tesla Model 3 Performance with a baseball bat several times. As expected, the video made it easy for the police to identify the person who did it. The whole process took less than 24 hours, allowing the owner to press charges to recoup their loss. Incredibly, Tesla introduced the Sentry Mode in August 2017, and people still don't know (or care) about it after seven years.

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Police Begin Seizing Teslas For Camera Footage Of Nearby Crimes

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