Renewable electricity has been touted as the fuel choice of the future for a while. Although battery electric cars currently are expensive to buy, the reduced running costs and zero tailpipe emissions offered by electric powertrains make them an ideal choice as a sustainable replacement for ICE power.
But are battery electric vehicles (BEVs) the only solution to the complex issue of decarbonisation and sustainability? Electric powertrains certainly do have their drawbacks, resulting in several other fuel types being explored as viable alternatives to petrol and diesel power. These include liquid nitrogen and synthetic eFuels, but few are as promising as hydrogen – specifically hydrogen fuel-cell tech.
Japanese brand Toyota is perhaps one of the biggest supporters of what it dubs a ‘multi-path strategy’ – one that embraces the likes of hybrid and hydrogen-powered cars, alongside the pure-electric route that most of the industry is focusing on at the moment.

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Why Toyota Continues To Push Hydrogen Power

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