Oh, the internet's at it again, folks! This time, it's about our pal Tim Walz, who apparently decided to show off his "car maintenance skills" in a video that's got everyone scratching their heads in bemusement. Now, if you're a real car person, you know the drill: oil changes, yes; air filter replacement, maybe. But here's the kicker – who, in their right mind, replaces a clean air filter?

Enter Tim Walz, stage left, with a wrench in one hand and a suspiciously pristine air filter in the other. "Look at me, I'm changing oil!" he declares, but not before he swaps out an air filter that looked cleaner than a nun's conscience. Real car enthusiasts are laughing into their gas cans because, come on, who does that? Unless you're running a car museum, or your vehicle's been in a hermetically sealed bubble, your air filter doesn't look like it's ready for a photoshoot.

So, either Tim Walz is trying to pull a fast one on us, or he's got the cleanest air in Minnesota. But if you're gonna fake it 'til you make it, maybe next time, smudge that filter a tad. After all, authenticity is in the dirt, Tim!

So Spies, what's YOUR call on this? Is he a LEGIT car guy or is this another phony political stunt to build cred?

BUSTED? Tim Walz And The Media CLAIMS He's A Car Guy. But Do We Have The PROOF He's A PHONY? Can YOU SPY The Mistake?

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