GM's China joint venture SAIC-GM announced the fastest-charging EV battery in the world, developed in partnership with battery giant CATL. The new battery, which will be used in the next generation of Ultium EVs, is capable of a 6C charging multiplier. This allows it to add more than 200 km of range during a 5-minute charge session.
Electric vehicles have become increasingly popular as people understand their benefits. However, modern electric vehicles are still in their infancy despite the first electric cars being built over a century ago. Specifically, the Li-ion batteries that power them represent a bottleneck, and most of the effort in this field is dedicated to improving their performance.
Researchers follow several directions, some trying to improve energy density while others focusing on extending their life cycles. A third direction is improving the charging speed, and this appears to have taken off in the past months, with the biggest battery manufacturers announcing ultra-fast charging battery cells. Unsurprisingly, battery giants BYD and CATL have been at the forefront of this race, with new battery technologies promising faster charging.

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