Anthony Schmidt, a 16-year-old from Woodinville, Washington, has captured the hearts and imaginations of many through his unique photographic talent. Despite being on the autism spectrum, or perhaps because of his unique perspective, Anthony has a remarkable ability to photograph miniature car models in such a way that they appear life-sized. His work, shared widely across social media platforms like Instagram, where he has amassed a following of over 359,000, showcases not just his technical skill but also his profound passion for cars.

Diagnosed with autism, Anthony has found in photography not just a hobby but a medium of communication and expression. His images blur the lines between reality and miniature, using forced perspective to give his toy cars the grandeur of their full-sized counterparts. This creative endeavor started at a very young age and has grown into something far beyond simple play. His photographs have led to a successful Kickstarter campaign, raising over $43,000 to publish a book of his photos, demonstrating how his specialized interest has resonated with a broader audience.

Anthony's story is a testament to how embracing one's passions, especially in the face of challenges like autism, can lead to extraordinary achievements and recognition. His ability to see the world through his lens offers us a glimpse into the potential that lies in focusing on one's abilities rather than disabilities.

Keep up the great work Anthony! You've impressed the SPIES!

Give his work a look at the link

WATCH! RISING TALENT! You Won't BELIEVE These Car Photos. Maybe They Should Call Him SAINT Anthony For His HEAVENLY Creativity!

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