Much has already been said about the relaunch of the Jaguar brand, most of it in the form of the vacuously cruel homophobic pablum that occupies much of the internet’s twiddling. A sliver of it has contained intelligent analysis. But little of it has looked at how the venerable, reimagined brand plans to address the world’s largest car market and the most cutthroat place on Earth to sell electric vehicles: China. 
After all, China’s newcomer brands are rapidly displacing American, European and other Asian ones there as their EV technology quickly surpasses that of the rest of the world. At the same time, those Chinese automakers are the source of endless headaches for Volkswagen, Stellantis and others on their home turf. So as flashy and controversial as the leaping cat’s rebrand has been, it’s an open question how Jaguar 2.0 hopes to compete in China—and with China.

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Jaguar Says It Can't Compete In China On Technology Or Price - Will Go For This Demographic Instead

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