A Tesla Cybertruck owner decided to get rid of his vehicle and he's got two solid reasons for it. He has been getting too much hate in the six months of ownership, and he saw the prices plummeting. So he wants to sell it before he loses too much money.
The Cybertruck hype is long gone. Prizes are plunging, and Tesla is reportedly stuck with more trucks than people actually want to buy. Craig, the owner of the Cybertruck, prepares the vehicle for sale by first peeling off the sticker that reads "Flying Wheels." That is his YouTube channel, where he has featured the Cybertruck since day one during the six months of ownership.
Craig has had enough hate during this half-year. People asked him if he built it himself, called his Cybertruck "garbage," called it "ugly" and "dumb," and reduced it to "a computer on wheels." We have heard and read worse for the past year.
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