When properly conducted, studies and surveys can teach us a lot about the trends shaping the automotive industry. We know that Americans don’t fully trust self-driving cars, that they still want gasoline cars, and that they think passenger screens in cars are useless. Crucially, we also know the best setup to own Mario Kart 8. There’s a new survey out, and it suggests that a large percentage of young Americans are not interested in owning a car.
The question was relatively straightforward: To what extent would you be willing to give up vehicle ownership in favor of a fully available mobility-as-a-service (MAAS) solution going forward? Deloitte interviewed 286 people aged 18 to 34 in the United States, 392 people from the same age group in the United Kingdom, 2,116 in Southeast Asia, 246 in South Korea, 191 in Japan, 404 in India, 344 in Germany, and 261 in China.

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Study Reveals Nearly Half Of Young Americans Have No Interest In Owning a Car

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