Riding a motorcycle comes with an undeniable thrill, but it also carries a significantly higher risk compared to driving a car. That’s why helmet laws are a staple in many countries worldwide. Yet, some riders still choose to ignore these rules, gambling not only with fines but, more critically, with their safety. In response to this ongoing issue, a Greek minister has proposed an unorthodox solution: banning gas stations from selling fuel to motorcyclists who aren’t wearing helmets.
The idea came from Greece’s Minister of Health, Adonis Georgiadis, who also happens to be a motorcyclist. Georgiadis recently took center stage in a Greek television campaign promoting helmet use, but his efforts didn’t stop there. Hoping to make a bigger impact, he proposed an unusual approach to the local federation of fuel station owners: refusing service to helmetless riders, a group that, sadly, makes up the majority of motorcyclists in Greece.

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Greece Wants To Ban Selling Gas To Motorcyclists Without Helmets

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