The Maserati MC20 Coupe is the new speed record holder for driving without an actual driver on board. The model flashed at 197.7 mph (318 kph). No car has ever driven so fast by itself before. The model broke the record on one of the world's longest runways at the Kennedy Space Center. It is one good news among the pile of bad news regarding the brand's sales.
A team made up of experts from the Politecnica di Milano set up the Indy Autonomous Challenge Maserati MC20 Coupe with the support offered by the Italian automaker. The car rocketed along the runway of the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, during the 1000 Miglia Experience.
Once primarily used for government operations and later becoming a hub for aerospace innovation, research, and infrastructure development, the Landing FAcility (LLF) of the Kennedy Space Center is one of the world's longest runways, stretching along 15,000 feet (2.8 miles).


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WATCH: Driverless Maserati MC20 Coupe Hits 197.7 MPH On Speed Run

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