I know, when talking about a new vehicle the things that probably interest you the most are those related to its drivetrain and creature comforts. The last thing someone is looking at when trying to decide what car to buy next is how many feet of wiring it has, what kind of fuses it uses, or how many CPUs keep its systems going. Yet, from time to time, we feel the need to talk about such things as well, especially when we're promised a revolution in these areas.
As you probably know by now, German carmaker BMW is preparing to completely change the way it makes cars with the arrival of the Neue Klasse line of electric vehicles. The first model of the family is scheduled to roll off the assembly lines at the Debrecen plant in Hungary later this year, and it's supposed to be simply revolutionary.
We don't have the full details on the model yet, but we already know a thing or two about what type of evolutionary leap it will be. The SUV, because that's the segment it will play in, will use a sixth generation battery and motors setup that should give it 30 percent increase in range, but also 30 percent faster charging.

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BMW Neue Klasse Will Feature 4 Computer Brains And Advanced Wiring Layout

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