With flagship EVs nowadays capable of hitting 60 mph in under 2 seconds, we need to start asking some serious questions. Never mind whether or not we should be driving cars that fast because of the simple danger of getting into a high-speed accident – that's certainly one of the major risks. But no. What I’m interested in exploring here is whether it’s actually safe to drive a family sedan that can out-sprint an F1 car to 60 mph on a daily basis.
It’s shocking how there’s almost no data about this on the Internet. Try researching anything resembling this issue on Google and you’ll be bombarded with articles about the top 10 or 15 electric vehicles you can buy that are super-fast, or various other rankings that focus simply on selling you the most impressive product in terms of acceleration.
When did we all suddenly become Max Verstappen? I'm sure everyone here realizes how hard F1 drivers train their bodies to handle sustained G-forces for longer periods of time. Yet, some of those same G-forces attack our bodies every time we get behind the wheel of a Model S Plaid or a Taycan Turbo – just anything with superhuman acceleration.

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