CNN news segment on i-soldit.com
KTLA news segment on i-soldit.com
KCAL news segment on i-soldit.com
A couple of weeks ago I was perusing the internet when I came across a USA today story talking about a hot new business and franchise called i-soldit.com.
Basically, it’s a store where you can bring those things you’ve always wanted to sell or just get rid of on eBay but never can find the time to actually do it.
With i-soldit, you bring the item to one of their locations and they do all the work for you!
All you do is drop it off and when it sells on eBay, they automatically send you a check!
No taking pictures, uploading, listing, blah, blah, blah.
Drop it off, get a check.
They do it all. It's that easy!
After I read the article I thought the concept was so cool I did some research to see if franchises were available and my timing was perfect.
So I set up a meeting.
I liked the owners so much (Rick and Elise Wetzel of Wetzel's Pretzels fame)that after hearing the 411 about the potential of this business, I submitted the application to purchase four stores in San Diego for Mrs. 001.
If you’re looking for something with great potential that’s reasonably priced, I recommend investigating it further.
And yes, I get a small bird dog fee for any people who eventually sign up but that’s not why I’m doing this.
I’m doing it because I think it’s a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor.
The bad news? Since I put in my application they’ve sold quite a few franchises so if you’re interested, you’d better contact them soon.
For further franchise information contact Leslie Hawks at lesley@i-soldit.com or (626) 584-0440.
Tell her 001 from Auto Spies sent you.
You can also get more info on the company at www.i-soldit.com
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