Got a breaking news story but don't want to wait until Thursday's newsletter for it to appear? Then this is the new place at Auto Spies for you. Readers/spies should use this space to post any breaking information or pictures and comment on them using our blog technology.

Remember, if you want to insert a picture into the blogs (please keep it clean) it's very easy.

Just get the url of the picture you want and surround it with this text

Sample url:

Add [img] to the front of the url

Add [/img] to the end of the url

Your link will then look like this


And that's all you have to do and the image will then show up in the blogs!

It's that easy! But remember, you MUST have the [img] and [/img] surrounding the url or it will not display.

Let's have some fun this holiday season with some great photos!

Breaking news only here please, no pictures of your cat or girlfriend, UNLESS they're in the picture of that hot new car no one has seen yet!

Happy spying!


About the Author
