The Spies were hard at work this last week in a 10th floor secret location, somewhere outside of Detroit, weathering the deep freeze (See depressing weather photo) and gaining a new appreciation of the Southern California climate!

Playing the game well under the radar, we scoped out the show and had our ears to the ground, in search of the coolest scoops and rumors.

The 2005 Detroit auto show took on a Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality. Or should we say, we saw a ‘Kerry-like’ flip-flop presentation that created much debate (sorry, couldn’t resist!)?

On one hand, they were all touting their smart energy solution products and their future (hydrogen, hybrid and diesel) offerings.

At the same time, right next to green machines, was the wretched excess of irresponsible horsepower (one of our favorite topics, by the way!).

Over the next few weeks we will go into greater details and opinions of the 2005 Detroit auto show.

But for now, enjoy the ultimate 2005 Detroit auto show photos (over 1100!) in our 2005 Detroit auto show photo gallery.

Special thanks from the Spies and our readers to Land Rover for bringing us this years Detroit and Los Angeles photo gallery!

View the 2005 Detroit Auto Show photo gallery

Also, check out our 2005 Los Angeles Auto Show photo gallery...

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