If you like lots of cash back when you buy a new car, now's a good time to head to the car lot.

After hitting what might be a peak in auto incentives -- with car buyers in recent months enjoying thousands of cash-back dollars on top of employee-pricing programs -- carmakers intend to ease consumers into a new (yet somehow familiar) model of car pricing.

General Motors calls it "Total Value Promise," industry experts call it "value pricing," and, translated, it's something like "what you see is what you get."

While it's unlikely carmakers will ever completely dispense with cash rebates and the other perks consumers have enjoyed for years, manufacturers are hoping to ease away from incentives.

"The domestic [carmakers] in particular are working hard to get consumers away from incentives as much as possible," said Mike Chung, industry analyst at, the consumer car information site.

"What we're seeing right now is, without any cash on these vehicles, these vehicles will not move," he said. "Eventually all manufacturers want to have a manageable level of incentives. Right now, they're a little bit out of control."

The Spies say this is a total matter how hard they want to stop the incentives it will be impossible now, if ever! Mark our words...the names of the deals will change, but game will be the same.

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