Porsche wants to become principal shareholder with VOLKSWAGEN
The sportscar manufacturer Porsche wants to become largest shareholder of the Volkswagen company. After information MIRROR has Porsche boss Wendelin Wiedeking with the help of the Investmentbank Merrill lynches the entrance with the fourth largest autocompany of the world prepared.
Porsche wants to acquire 20 per cent of the common stock of VOLKSWAGEN, for which after present course approximately three billion euro would be to be paid. Principal reason: Porsche would be received the analysis according to the investment banker a large risk, if it does not take part in the Volkswagen company and so that secures its successful business model.
Porsche produced not only the jeep Cayenne together with VOLKSWAGEN, but co-operates also with the development of a hybrid drive with the Wolfsburgern. This would be endangered, if a financial investor enters with VOLKSWAGEN, which company divided and which possibly sells individual marks to other autocompanies. Whether these would be interested still in a co-operation with Porsche, is open. If Porsche takes part in the Volkswagen company, co-operation would be on a long-term basis secured against it and chances would be offered for a development of co-operation.
For the Volkswagen company the danger of a hostile takeover would be gebannt by the entrance of Porsche. The country Lower Saxony (18.2 per cent of the common stock), VOLKSWAGEN (13.1 per cent of its own portion lights) and Porsche (20 per cent) would have always the majority.
Source-Der Speigel-Web translation