NOBODY wants to be associated with Hummer anymore...

Check out the message from one of the Spies favorite bands 'Everything but the girl'

Hummin' our tune. A personal message from Ben and Tracey.

"Hello everyone. We would like to point out that the currrent TV commercial in the US for Hummer that uses our cover version of 'Love Is Strange' was put together without our knowledge or consent. Unfortunately Warner Music UK control our early 90's recorded performances and agreed that the track could be used. It is common courtesy to inform the artist and listen to any objections when something like this happens. We were not contacted by Warner Music UK.

"Fortunately if the artist also writes the song, they can put a stop to things by refusing to allow the publishing copyright to be used. Unfortunately in this case, we did not write the song and therefore could not block it on those grounds.

"We are deeply concerned that our music has been used in this way. It is something we would never have condoned had we'd been given the choice.

"We are currently in lengthy legal discussion with Warner Music UK. We would have spoken out earlier but needed to clarify our position. We will make our final position clear and issue a statement in due course.

Best always,"

Ben and Tracey

Everything but the girl

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