CNN news is reporting that Jaguar will stop advertising to gays because of the potential of boycotts of Ford products.

We did an article about this way back in 2003 when they first made the announcement that they would begin targeting gays.

We predicted it would turn out to be a big mistake for them.

Not that we are against gays (we're not), but because we knew they would be opening a can of worms that would eventualy bite them in the butt.

It was a dopey strategy then and now they're paying the price.

From our 1/6/2003 issue

Jaguar to start marketing cars to Gays

Ford targets rich gay market for Jaguar cars

Highlights from the article: Ford Motor Co. announced on Tuesday a U.S. advertising campaign aimed at pitching Jaguar cars to gay buyers, noting the group's wealth and taste for luxury goods.

The world's second-largest automaker said the campaign, starting this month and running until April, would target homosexual and bisexual consumers through print ads that appear primarily in publications like Out magazine and The Advocate.

"It's a first for us and we're pretty excited about it. We think there's a lot of upside potential," Sproule told Reuters.
The first print ad Ford is set to run as part of its campaign, created by Prime Access Inc. of New York, features images of winding country roads and the words "Life is full of twists and turns."

Auto Spies perspective: Should we get the key ready to lock up the door after they totally screw up what little market they have left? If this isn’t a mark of desperation, we don’t know what is…It will be interesting to see with Ford’s participation and sponsorship in movies, what happens in the next Austin Powers movie…the ‘Shaguar’ may take on a whole new meaning! In about six months, the brilliant decision makers who came up with this strategy, can look forward to a wonderful future in the hospitality industry!

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