I’m so tired of reading the so called experts in media outlets like the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Business Week, Fortune, etc. who blabber on with supposed solutions to the problems at Ford and GM.

Do they ever have any real solutions that could be implemented NOW, that have a real chance of making a difference?

Well I got to thinking…

Hey, I read the papers, I watch 60 minutes, I say to myself, I’m a professional, I’m motivated, I’m happening.

And yes, I figured that all out by myself!

Why shouldn’t I be able to put forth a brilliant solution that’s as good as or better than any of ones we’ve heard so far?

Then, the idea of the century hit me…like a diamond bullet (OK, I’ve watched Apocalypse Now a few too many times) right between the eyes!

So here it is:

Drum roll please….

The killer solution is

Turn EVERY GM and Ford dealership into a CASINO!!!!

Think about it.

Have you been in the average GM or Ford dealership these days?

It’s just like walking in to the Palace Station in Vegas.

Anything can happen inside one of those dealerships…and the cast of characters…we won’t even go there.

They already HAVE the casino atmosphere.

Plus, most of the people that ARE there are the EXACT demographic that you’d find inside one of the lesser known casinos.

It’s a win/win for the dealers because even if they don’t sell a car that day, they could still be in the black based on the days bets!

And think of the convenience for the customers…take a test drive and the dealer, I mean salesperson can help you make your weekly picks while your driving around.

Then when you get back to the dealership you can drop a couple hundos down on a wager on your favorite NFL or NBA team.

That’s easier than ordering a pizza from Papa Johns!

Other benefits, you ask?

People driving by would also be intrigued because the dealers would be full of people and they’d all go tell their friends that Ford and GM are making a comeback because they saw so many people at the local Chevy dealer.

I tell you, it’s a CAN’T miss proposition!

The more I think of this idea the more brilliant I feel!

I’m just going to wait by the phone tomorrow because I know, some killer headhunter out there is going to read this and be ringing me up to interview for the soon to be vacant CEO position at GM. ;)


Can't wait to read the blogs on this one!

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