We sure hope a Q7 diesel shows up for sale on our shores.
We had a chance to drive the TDI in Arizona and it was awesome.
Even though it's only rated at 220hp, the Audi engineers told us in certain driving scenarios, the TDI actually can acheive 280hp.
In our opinion, it has everything performance people need...LOTS OF TORQUE!
One of the concerns from the manufacturers is that U.S. customers still don't take to diesels like the Europeans and the hybrids have stolen the mindshare of potential customers.
AUTO SPIES PERSPECTIVE: Note to the German manufacturers...If you really want to turn the tables on the Japanese be the first company to launch this press release:
(Put your favorite german brand here)announced today that they would offer diesels in the U.S.A. WITHOUT a price premium over the gasoline models.
(Executive name here)said "We want to be the first to set the trend in the U.S.A. making diesels as affordable as their gas counterparts because of our deep concern for rising gas price affordability for American consumer's.
We've been making diesel engines for a gazillion years and we've found out how to make the technology as affordable as a gas engine (like it isn't already, we have just been adding a premium all these years becuase we could ;)
Plus everyone knows gasoline engines last longer and get BETTER real world mileage than hybrids"
Talk about a trojan horse!
How much FREE press would they get from this announcement and increase in brand equity?
We think a lot.
If the Germans are REALLY serious about changing Americans perspectives, they have to make a bold move.
If they are, there is tremendous upside for your brand in the USA.