What was your first job? What did it teach you about business?
I cannot recall my first job. My first job in “films” was as a production assistant in Berlin. I was studying communications at the University of Arts. It taught me that I had a natural understanding of the filmmaking process. It was clear right away that filmmaking was “my thing”

My first job as director was to direct a 30 second MTV promo that was a spoof on the shower scene from the movie “Psycho”. When the camera looked down at the bloody water disappearing in the drain, the audience saw a sponge with blood shaped like an MTV logo. It was quite popular and the promo, seen by a billion people, ran on all continents.

Directing this spot for MTV was not planned. I was working with music video director Marcus Nispel (now a Hollywood movie director) at the time. We typically worked on concepts together or pooled the ones we both came up with. This particular one I had come up with and Marcus was scheduled to direct it but was overbooked. I didn’t really want to do it alone but was talked into it by Marcus and MTV didn’t mind. After that day, I knew I had to become a director.

What's your background, did you go to school for this?
I studied at the University of Arts in Berlin. The program is called Social and Commercial Communications and finishes with a master’s degree.

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