Although the world was rocked by the news of Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs death tonight, there is one thing being misunderstood: Jobs' innovations will live on.

The latest is through Siri, which has largely been overlooked since its debut.

And since is this is, you have to wonder "How will this impact the car?" It's pretty clear that the iPhone itself has made change standard in the car, this is only going to take it to the next level. That's because this system is more advanced than one would think.

For example, if you're in the car driving and want to set a reminder for when you get out to call your best buddy. The old way would have you scurrying about and trying to type in a reminder and set it to a time that you *think* you'd be out of the car. Not only was your attention not on the most important thing at the time -- the road -- but you were also forced to make a guesstimation. NOW, you'll be able to set a reminder using a voice command but the system will know when you get out of the car and remind you appropriately. That's simply genius.

With that said, will Siri make driving safer?

Even Though Steve's Gone, His Legacy Will Live On. WE Show You Proof.

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