Tag Links: #bmw, 4-series, m sport


Though we've been big proponents of keeping track of autos and how they look in a variety of colors, not everyone else is a believer. However, I think this clip may prove our point.

If you've seen the all-new 2014 BMW 4-Series and have been doubtful of its design, then you need to get a gander at this clip. That's because we're seeing a BMW 4-Series equipped with the M Sport Package AND in black.

We're BIG believes in how a BMW with an M Sport kit can enhance its design. And though it's been a clear win with previous 3'ers, X3s, X5s and the 5-Series, its impact is really felt on the all-new 4'er.

Don't believe me? Take one look and let us know your thoughts in the comments below...

VIDEO: BMW's 4-Series Walkaround In BLACK

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