For consumers and investors alike, one of the world's most intriguing automotive manufacturers is electric car maker Tesla. Since the Model S took the globe by storm and had an initial public offering (IPO) Tesla has been in the crosshairs.

People not only want to put one of their vehicles in the garage, they're also trying to make a few bucks off its stock. Now, more than ever, the company's financials and earnings are under scrutiny. Considering the company appears to be getting a bit more secretive, every bit of info is important.

One of the big pieces of the puzzle is the upcoming Model X. It's already behind when it was originally supposed to debut, which isn't good. Considered a family vehicle that is expected to boast utility, this is expected to be a volume model. Problem is not much is known about what it will be capable of and, until now, only prototypes have been seen.

It turns out an unsuspecting digital marketing consultant took video of what appears to be a Model X undergoing developmental testing. We're thinking it's pretty safe to assume these are Tesla engineers — who else would have access to camouflaged Model Xs?

**Check out the clip below our videographer's lengthy description and rebuttal of false accusations.

The Tesla Model X being road tested at the former naval air station in Alameda, CA.

I was at the skatepark and just happened to notice the Model X being driven on the adjacent runway.

The video was shot with an iPhone 5 while digitally zoomed-in all the way.

Update, Jan 30, 2015, 10:30 PM (PT):

Never thought this video would garnish so much attention. It's been incredible to see the discussions it has generated here and on every other blog and news outlet that picked it up. Here are a few clarifications.

1. No, I'm am not associated or affiliated with Tesla Motors.
2. Not a PR stunt (at least I'm not a willing participant).
3. No, it isn't a Prius, nor a Pontiac Aztek. It's bigger in size than a Prius,
4. The car was better distinguishable in person. The video shot, with an iPhone, makes it seem farther than what it really was.
5. As stated, the video was shot with an iPhone 5 while digitally zoomed-in all the way. I was able to hold the iPhone steady as I was leaning onto a railing. No stabilizer or mount was used.
6. I have more video and photos, but what I posted pretty much encompasses what was going on.
7. I'm not a spy or part of the paparazzi (as some news outlets have implied). I'm a digital marketing consultant for technology companies. Contact me if you need to improve your company's web, social and brand strategy to increase sales engagement. (yes, shameless plug).

Some background on what I was doing there:

I happened to be in the area and thought I would stop at the Alameda Skatepark. I figured it would be empty since kids should be in school at 11:30 AM. Upon arrival at the skatepark, I noticed two silver Model S's parked at the eastern end of the runway. This piqued my curiosity, but there wasn't any activity -- nor anyone with the cars. After a while, while on my board, I would notice from the corner of my eye a car that would drive by slowly on the runway. At first I thought it was a security guard making the rounds since it would come-and-go. So I paid little attention. Plus the vinyl graphics threw me off. What finally caught my full attention was when I noticed it kept accelerating and then braking hard. That's when I took a closer look and realized what it was.

SPIED + VIDEO: FIRST Clip Of The Tesla Model X In Action — How Much Longer Will Investors Have To Wait For It Go On Sale?

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