If you were driving on the freeway and you saw the police with the blues and twos going, you’re probably going to rubber neck. It’s pretty much human nature that you’re going to try to see what’s going on at all costs. 


Now if you were in the Bay Area, more specifically Oakland, this weekend you would have caught more than an eyeful. That’s because a blacked out Chevrolet Tahoe with its lights blaring wasn’t trying to pull over a normal vehicle.


It was in hot pursuit of a driver piloting a go kart. 


So, there’s two ways this could go: 1) The go kart operator was running away from the police, or 2) the police was providing safe passage for the driver — according to reports this guy was a part of a larger go kart/dirt bike crowd that was riding in convoy earlier in the day. 


That said, you have to see it to believe it.


WEIRD and WONDERFUL: Caught On Camera! Oakland PD Looking To Kart Away This Fool

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