At the biggest-selling Cadillac dealership in China, customers react to the brand's image the way Cadillac hopes customers everywhere will. Famous names in imposing silver lettering adorn a "wall of honor" at Shanghai Brilliance Hutong Auto Sales Co. There is Marilyn Monroe, Muhammad Ali, Cindy Crawford, Bar-ack Obama, Queen Elizabeth II and, of course, one of history's most famous Cadillac customers -- Elvis.
It is a message the brand hopes hits home with China's uninitiated, yet ever status-conscious customer base: People who own, or are at least chauffeured in, a Cadillac are part of an elite 115-year-old club.
"Cadillac is associated with historical figures like U.S. presidents," declares 40-year-old customer He Zhenyu, an e-commerce executive who was among the first in China to snap up Cadillac's new CT6 flagship sedan last year. "Cadillac represents my individuality. The culture is the deal sealer."
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