Step into a car that’s a few eras old, a 1970 Buick GS for example, and more than likely, you’re bound to find conditions that would be appalling in modern cars. Drum brakes make stopping an act comprised of equal parts standing on the pedal and praying while a steering wheel that reserves the first 90 degrees in either direction for on-center aim makes staying within your lane an act of constantly sawing the wheel back and forth. Thankfully, evolution moves in a forward direction.
he first ergonomically arranged cabins in modern cars were probably welcome oddities that sacrificed simplicity, but they’ve managed to stay. So far as we know about the Tesla Model 3, its interior is going to get much more simple than what you get in current automobiles, partially because it will lose its instrument panel, and that could just as well become the norm. The shift means no speedometer, no tachometer (not like that’d be there anyways) and no Model S-like instrument display that shows battery status, Autopilot information, or even which song is playing on the radio. Driving without one sounds like a foreign experience, but it Tesla is confident that won't be the case.
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